欧美动漫瓢虫少女第三季在线播放视频资源由白狐动漫网官网收集整理,本片由托马斯·阿斯特鲁克执导、克里斯蒂娜·巴伦苏埃拉,Bryce,Papenbrook,基思·西尔弗斯坦,Mela,Lee,马克斯·迈特尔曼,Carrie,Keranen,本·迪斯金等联合主演,瓢虫少女第三季是欧美动漫题材中一部很不错的作品,值得各位网友娱乐观看,如果觉得不错记得分享转发给你的朋友一起看哦。With time, Marinette and Adrien ended up becoming friends. But the collège girl discovers that declaring her feelings for her friend is not so simple, in fact, it will be almost the opposite! For Ladybug and Cat Noir, despite their new powers and teammates that they can call upon when the situation requires it, the fight with Hawk Moth becomes harder and harder. Their opponent is always stronger as long as he can call on Mayura, a villain who can create allies for the Akumatized, the supervillains. More powers, more action, more villains, and more emotions! Season 3 will put Adrien and Marinette to the test Will they be able to keep their secret and prevent their private life from interfering with their superhero adventures